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Anapico APSIN2010HC 9 kHz to 2000 MHz Signal Generator
Anapico APSIN2010HC 9 kHz to 2000 MHz Signal Generator
Anapico APSIN2010HC 9 kHz to 2000 MHz Signal Generator
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Availability: Usually Ships in 2 to 4 Weeks 
Product Code: APSIN2010HC

Description Application Notes
The APSIN2010 is a low phase noise, fast-switching RF signal generator with µHz frequency resolution, and precisely leveled power range from -120 to typically +18 dBm. It combines excellent signal quality, high-quality analog modulation and fast switching capabilities. Flexible and simultaneous modulation allows complex signal simulation. The internal OCXO guarantees a high stability time base and can be locked to an external reference in the range of 8 to 200 MHz. The modular design simplifies maintenance and minimizes cost of ownership.

  • Only 200 µs frequency switching time
  • Excellent SSB phase noise
  • Comprehensive AM, low-distortion, wideband FM and PM and high speed pulse modulation for testing all types of receivers
  • LAN/USB/GPIB (optional) remote control
  • Input for USB power sensor
  • Powerful trigger and sweeping modes

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