Designing with today’s faster data rates and tighter timing margins requires an oscilloscope with outstanding signal acquisition performance and analysis capabilities. Tektronix MSO/DPO5000B Series oscilloscopes provide exceptional signal fidelity, with 2 GHz bandwidth and 10 GS/s sample rate, along with advanced analysis and math capabilities, on your bench and in your lab. Run Windows®-based analysis software right on the oscilloscope. Point and click Visual Triggers enable you to capture complex signals with ease. MSO models include 16 digital timing channels, and all models can be equipped to decode common serial protocols, providing a comprehensive view of your systems. KEY PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONSKEY ANALYSIS FEATURES- Wave inspector® controls provide easy navigation and automated search of waveform data
- Suite of advanced triggers, with standard Visual Trigger and Search
- 53 automated measurements, selectable filtering, waveform math and FFT analysis
- Waveform histogram, eye diagram, TIE (jitter/timing) measurement and analysis
- User-definable math using MATLAB, Visual Studio and Excel
- Optional analysis for memory, advanced jitter, serial data, power and Wideband RF
KEY PROTOCOL FEATURES- Trigger and decode options for mid-speed (100 Mb/s to 1 Gb/s) buses
- Trigger and decode options for low-speed (<10 Mb/s) buses
- Compliance test options for USB2.0, Ethernet, USB power, MOST, BroadR-Reach
- Mask testing on communication, computing and video standards
MIXED SIGNAL DESIGN AND ANALYSIS (MSO SERIES)- 16 digital channels (user upgradeable)
- MagniVu™ high-speed acquisition provides 60.6 ps timing resolution on all digital channels
- Automated triggering, decode, and search on parallel buses
- Per-channel threshold settings
See the performance differenceWith up to 2 GHz analog bandwidth and sampling rates up to 10 GS/s, the MSO/DPO5000B series ensures you have the performance you need to capture waveforms with the best possible signal fidelity and resolution for seeing small waveform details.
Performance - With up to 2 GHz bandwidth and 10 GS/s sample rate capture USB2.0 480 Mb/s differential signals with true fidelity and 100 ps resolution.
ACCURATE HIGH-SPEED PROBINGThe TPP Series probes, included standard with every MSO/DPO5000B Series oscilloscope, provide up to 1 GHz of analog bandwidth, and less than 4 pF of capacitive loading. The extremely low capacitive loading minimizes adverse effects on your circuits and is more forgiving of longer ground leads. And with the probe's wide bandwidth, you can see the high frequency components in your signal, which is critical for high-speed applications. The TPP Series passive voltage probes offer all the benefits of general-purpose probes like high dynamic range, flexible connection options, and robust mechanical design, while providing the performance of active probes.
Probing - Up to 1 GHz bandwidth and less than 4 pF capacitive loading provides active probe performance and superior performance over passive probes included with other mid-range oscilloscopes.
FAST DISCOVERYTo debug a design problem, first you must know it exists. Every design engineer spends time looking for problems in their design, a time-consuming and difficult task without the right debug tools. The MSO/DPO5000B Series offers the industry's most complete performance to capture and isolate events, providing fast insight into the real operation of your device. Tektronix proprietary FastAcq™ technology delivers a fast waveform capture - greater than 250,000 waveforms per second - that enables you to see glitches and other infrequent transients within seconds, revealing the true nature of device faults. A digital phosphor display with color intensity grading shows the history of a signal's activity by using color to identify areas of the signal that occur more frequently, providing a visual display of just how often anomalies occur across all channels.
Discover – fast waveform capture rate - over 250,000 wfm/s - maximizes the probability of capturing elusive glitches and other infrequent events. HIGH VERTICAL RESOLUTIONIf the measurement requirement is to capture high-amplitude signals while seeing smaller signal details the MSO/DPO5000B provides the acquisition flexibility needed to capture the signals of interest while removing the effects of unwanted noise. With HiRes acquisition vertical resolution can be increased to over 11 bits while reducing signal noise. Signal fidelity can be further increased by using channel input filters or applying a wide choice of DSP filters.
Capture - HiRes acquisition - increased vertical resolution to >11 bits while removing noise on a 650 V Pk-Pk signal while seeing the smaller details of less than 1 V Pk-Pk with or without apply low-pass filtering.
LONG RECORD LENGTHWith up to a 250 M point record length, you can capture many events of interest, even thousands of serial packets, in a single acquisition for further analysis while maintaining high resolution to zoom in on fine signal details. For complex analysis like Time Interval Error (TIE) measurements the longer record length ensures you have enough data captured for handling clock recovery and creating jitter profiles. Unlike other oscilloscopes in its class, the MSO/DPO5000B provides flexible setup of both record length and sampling rate to ensure optimum resolution.
Capture - 100 Meg point acquisition with HiRes acquisition - increase vertical resolution to >11 bits with dual zoom of waveform details. SEGMENTED MEMORYFor more efficient data capture, partitioning of memory can extend the total time captured. FastFrame™ Segmented Memory mode enables you to select up to 290,000 memory segments with a trigger capture rate of over 310,000 triggers per second. Beyond memory flexibility, segments are time stamped and can be viewed individually or as an overlay and analyzed using advanced features like protocol decoding.
FastFrame™ - User selectable memory segments allow for efficient memory management with time stamped capture of SPI bus data along with analysis of serial bus decoding on multiple data packets. Frames 1, 2, and 9 are shown here.
Mixed signal design and analysis (MSO Series)The MSO5000B Series mixed-signal oscilloscopes provide 16 digital channels. These channels are tightly integrated into the oscilloscope's user interface, simplifying operation and making it possible to solve mixed-signal issues easily. MSO functionality can also be added later as a user upgrade. COLOR-CODED DIGITAL WAVEFORM DISPLAYThe MSO5000B Series has redefined the way you view digital waveforms. One common problem with other mixed-signal oscilloscopes is determining if data is a one or a zero when zoomed in far enough that the digital trace stays flat all the way across the display. To avoid this problem, the MSO5000B Series has color-coded digital traces, displaying ones in green and zeros in blue.
With the color-coded digital waveform display, low values are shown in blue and high values are shown in green, enabling instant understanding of the bus value whether transitions are visible or not.
The multiple transition detection hardware of the MSO5000B Series will show you when the system detects more than one transition. This indicates that more information is available by zooming in or acquiring at faster sampling rates. In most cases zooming in will reveal a glitch that was not viewable with the previous settings. MAGNIVU™ HIGH-SPEED ACQUISITIONThe main digital acquisition mode on the MSO5000B Series will capture up to 40 M points at 500 MS/s (2 ns resolution). In addition to the main record, the MSO5000B provides an ultra high-resolution record called MagniVu which acquires 10,000 points at up to 16.5 GS/s (60.6 ps resolution). Both the main and MagniVu waveforms are acquired on every trigger and either can be displayed at any time, running or stopped. MagniVu provides significantly finer timing resolution than comparable mixed-signal oscilloscopes on the market, instilling confidence when making critical timing measurements on digital waveforms.
The MagniVu high-resolution record provides 60.6 ps timing resolution, enabling you to make critical timing measurements on your digital waveforms.
Versatile trigger and searchDiscovering a device fault is only the first step. Next, you must capture the event of interest to identify root cause The MSO/DPO5000B Series provides a complete set of triggers - including runt, glitch, width, timeout, transition, pattern, state, setup/hold violation, serial packet, and parallel data - to help quickly find your event. VISUAL TRIGGERFinding the right characteristic of a complex signal can require hours of collecting and sorting through thousands of acquisitions for the event of interest. Defining a trigger that isolates the desired event and shows data only when the event occurs speeds up this process. Visual Trigger and Search makes the identification of the desired waveform events quick and easy by scanning through all waveform acquisitions and comparing them to on-screen areas (geometric shapes). Areas can be created using a variety of shapes including triangles, rectangles, hexagons, trapezoids, and user-specified shapes to fit the area to the particular trigger behavior desired. Set up to eight areas and condition based on Boolean logic conditions.
Visual Trigger- Capture signals on two channels with Visual triggering with multiple defined areas and markers showing repeat occurrences.
NAVIGATION AND SEARCHFinding your event of interest in a long waveform record can be time consuming without the right search tools. With today's record lengths pushing beyond a million data points, locating your event can mean scrolling through thousands of screens of signal activity. The MSO/DPO5000B Series offers the industry's most comprehensive search and waveform navigation with its innovative Wave Inspector® controls. These controls speed panning and zooming through your record. With a unique force-feedback system, you can move from one end of your record to the other in just seconds. User marks allow you to mark any location that you may want to reference later for further investigation. Or, automatically search your record for criteria you define. Wave Inspector will instantly search your entire record, including analog, digital, and bus data. Along the way it will automatically mark every occurrence of your defined event so you can quickly move between events. The standard Advanced Search and Mark capability of the MSO/DPO5000B Series can even search for up to eight different events simultaneously and stop a live acquisition when it finds an event of interest, saving even more time.
Search - Results of an advanced search for a runt pulse or a narrow glitch within a long waveform record.
Comprehensive analysisVerifying that your prototype's performance matches simulations and meets the project's design goals requires analyzing its behavior. Tasks can range from simple checks of rise times and pulse widths to sophisticated power loss analysis, characterization of system clocks, and investigation of noise sources. The MSO/DPO5000B Series offers a comprehensive set of integrated analysis tools including waveform- and screen-based cursors, 53 automated measurements, advanced waveform math including arbitrary equation editing, waveform histograms, and FFT analysis.
Analyze - Waveform histogram of the rising and falling edge of a 622 Mb/s signal showing the distribution of edge position (jitter) over time. Included are numeric measurements made on the waveform histogram data. The standard limit test package enables long-term signal monitoring, characterizing signals during design, and production line testing. Limit test compares a tested signal to a known good or "golden" version of the same signal with user-defined vertical and horizontal tolerances. You can tailor a limit test to your specific requirements by defining test duration in a number of waveforms, setting a violation threshold that must be met before considering a test a failure, counting hits with statistical information, and setting actions upon violations, test failure, and test complete. CUSTOM ANALYSISWhen signal analysis needs extend beyond the standard or optional analysis features, the Windows 7 based MSO/DPO5000B series has the flexibility to support custom analysis. Apply your custom algorithms using custom MATLAB and .NET math plug-ins for analysis functions that are integrated in the oscilloscope user interface for more seamless operation.
Custom analysis - Waterfall display generated from oscilloscope data using MATLAB. JITTER ANALYSISEvery MSO/DPO5000B Series oscilloscope includes the DPOJET Essentials jitter and eye pattern analysis software package, extending the oscilloscope's measurement capabilities to take measurements over contiguous clock and data cycles in a single-shot real-time acquisition. This enables measurement of key jitter and timing analysis parameters such as Time Interval Error and Phase Noise to help characterize possible system timing issues. Analysis tools such as plots for time trends and histograms quickly show how timing parameters change over time, and spectrum analysis quickly shows the precise frequency and amplitude of jitter and modulation sources.
Jitter analysis - TIE jitter/timing analysis of 622 Mb/s signal
Extend jitter/timing analysis with the optional DPOJET Advanced software package (Option DJA). DPOJET Advanced adds advanced tools such as Rj/Dj separation, eye diagram masks, and Pass/Fail limits for conformance testing. DPOJET Advanced is also a measurement framework that works with standards-specific compliance test packages for applications such as DDR memory and USB. POWER ANALYSIS (OPTIONAL)The optional power analysis software package (Option PWR) enables quick and accurate analysis of power quality, switching loss, harmonics, magnetic measurements, safe operating area (SOA), modulation, ripple, and slew rate (di/dt, dv/dt). Automated, repeatable power measurements are available with a touch of a button; no external PC or complex software setup is required. The package includes a report generation tool to create customizable, detailed reports to document your measurement results.
Power- B-H plot. DDR MEMORY BUS ANALYSIS (OPTIONAL)The optional DDR memory analysis software package (Option DDRA) automatically identifies DDR1, DDR2, LP-DDR, and LP-DDR2 Reads and Writes and makes JEDEC conformance measurements with Pass/Fail results on all edges in every Read and Write burst, perfect for debugging and troubleshooting DDR memory buses. Also provided are common measurements of clock, address, and control signals. Used with DPOJET (Option DJA), Option DDRA is the fastest way to debug complex memory signaling issues. VECTOR SIGNAL ANALYSIS (OPTIONAL)The optional SignalVu™ vector signal analysis package (Option SVE) easily validates wideband designs and characterizes wideband spectral events. By combining the signal analysis engine of Tektronix real-time spectrum analyzers with the wide bandwidth acquisition of Tektronix digital oscilloscopes, you can now evaluate complex baseband signals directly on your oscilloscope. You get the functionality of a vector signal analyzer, a spectrum analyzer, and the powerful trigger capabilities of a digital oscilloscope - all in a single package. Whether your design validation needs include wideband radar, high data-rate satellite links, or frequency hopping communications, SignalVu™ vector signal analysis software can speed your time-to-insight by showing you time-variant behavior of these wideband signals.
SignalVu™ enables detailed analysis in multiple domains.
Protocol triggering and analysis (optional)On a serial bus, a single signal often includes address, control, data, and clock information. This can make isolating events of interest difficult. The MSO/DPO5000B Series offers a robust set of tools for debugging serial buses with automatic trigger and decode on I2C, SPI, CAN, LIN, FlexRay, RS-232/422/485/UART, MIL-STD-1553, Ethernet, and USB 2.0, and decode for HSIC, 8b/10b, PCI Express, and MIPI D-PHY DSI-1 and CSI-2 serial buses.
Triggering on a USB full-speed serial bus. A bus waveform provides decoded packet content including Start, Sync, PID, Address, End Point, CRC, Data values, and Stop. SERIAL TRIGGERINGTrigger on packet content such as start of packet, specific addresses, specific data content, unique identifiers, etc. on popular serial interfaces such as I2C, SPI, CAN, LIN, FlexRay, RS-232/422/485/UART, MIL-STD-1553, Ethernet, and USB 2.0. BUS DISPLAYProvides a higher-level, combined view of the individual signals (clock, data, chip enable, etc.) that make up your bus, making it easy to identify where packets begin and end and identifying subpacket components such as address, data, identifier, CRC, etc. BUS DECODINGTired of having to visually inspect the waveform to count clocks, determine if each bit is a 1 or a 0, combine bits into bytes, and determine the hex value? Let the oscilloscope do it for you! Once you've set up a bus, the MSO/DPO5000B Series will decode each packet on the bus, and display the value in hex, binary, decimal (USB only) or ASCII (USB and RS-232/422/485/UART only) in the bus waveform. EVENT TABLE DISPLAYIn addition to seeing decoded packet data on the bus waveform itself, you can view all captured packets in a tabular view much like you would see in a software listing. Packets are time stamped and listed consecutively with columns for each component (Address, Data, etc.).
Event table showing decoded SPI serial packet data with bus timing waveform for a long acquisition. Compliance testingSERIAL BUS COMPLIANCE TEST (OPTIONAL)Software packages for automated compliance test are available for Ethernet 10BASE-T, 10BASE-Te, 100BASE-TX, and 1000BASE-T (Option ET3), MOST50 and MOST150 electrical (Option MOST), BroadR-Reach (Option BRR), and USB 2.0 (Option USB) physical-layer devices. These software packages enable you to conduct testing using the standard's specified compliance tests.
MASK TESTINGThe optional mask test (Option MTM) software package is useful for long-term signal monitoring, characterizing signals during design, and production line testing. The mask test software includes a robust set of masks for telecommunications and computer standards for easily checking compliance to a standard. Additionally, custom masks can be created and used for characterizing signals. With mask testing you can tailor a test to your specific requirements by defining test duration in a number of waveforms, setting a violation threshold that must be met before considering a test a failure, counting hits with statistical information, and setting actions upon violations, test failure, and test complete. Designed to make your work easierLARGE, HIGH-RESOLUTION TOUCHSCREEN DISPLAYThe MSO/DPO5000B Series features a 10.4 in. (264 mm) XGA color display with an integrated touch screen for seeing intricate signal details.
High resolution display quality with touch screen, mouse and stylus operation. DEDICATED FRONT PANEL CONTROLSPer-channel vertical controls provide simple and intuitive operation. No longer do you need to share one set of vertical controls across all four channels. FLOATING LICENSESFloating licenses offer an alternative method to manage your Tektronix asset. Floating licenses allow license-key enabled options to be easily moved among all your MSO/DPO5000, DPO7000, and DPO/DSA/MSO70000 Series of Tektronix oscilloscopes. Floating licenses are available for many license-key enabled options. To order a floating version of an option license add “DPOFL-“ prefix to the option name. (e.g. DPOFL-ET3) Check www.tektronix.com for additional information about floating license options. EASY DATA STORAGETwo USB 2.0 host ports on the front panel enable easy transfer of screenshots, instrument settings, and waveform data to a USB flash drive. The rear panel contains four additional USB 2.0 host ports and a USB device port for controlling the oscilloscope remotely from a PC or for connecting USB peripherals. An integrated 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet port enables easy connection to networks and a Video Out port to drive an external monitor or projector. A standard ≥ 480 GB removable solid state disk drive makes customizing settings for different users easy and enables use in secure environments. CONNECTIVITY AND REMOTE OPERATIONThere are many ways to connect to your MSO/DPO5000B Series oscilloscope to conduct extended analysis. The first makes use of the Windows Remote Desktop capability – connect directly to your oscilloscope and operate the user interface remotely through the built-in Remote Desktop. A second way to connect is through Tektronix OpenChoice® software which makes use of the fast embedded bus, transferring waveform data directly from acquisition to analysis applications on the Windows desktop at much faster speeds than conventional GPIB transfers. Industry-standard protocols, such as TekVISA™ interface and ActiveX controls are included for using and enhancing Windows applications for data analysis and documentation. IVI-COM instrument drivers are included to enable easy communication with the oscilloscope using GPIB, serial data, and LAN connections from programs running on the instrument or an external PC. Or, use the Software Developer's Kit (SDK) to help create custom software to automate multistep processes in waveform collection and analysis with Visual BASIC, C, C++, MATLAB, LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, and other common Application Development Environments (ADE). Microsoft® Excel and Word toolbars are included to simplify data capture and transfer directly to these programs running on the Windows desktop. Tektronix Mid-range OscilloscopesNeed more performance or have other application needs? Consider the MDO/MSO/DPO4000 series or the DPO7000 series. For more performance, the DPO7000C series offers: - 500 MHz to 3.5 GHz bandwidth
- Up to 40 GS/s sampling rate
- Up to 500 M point record length
- 1 % accuracy
- More analysis and compliance support for higher data rates
- Microsoft Windows 7
For mixed-domain analysis or greater portability, the MDO/MSO/DPO4000B series offers: - 100 MHz to 1 GHz bandwidth
- Up to 5 GS/s sampling
- Up to 20 M point record length
- Serial data trigger and decode
- Built-in 3 GHz or 6 GHz spectrum analyzer (MDO models)
- 2 or 4 analog channels and 16 digital channels (MSO and MDO models)
